Think aloud, otherwise referred to as think-out-loud is a protocol used in usability testing to help the facilitator understand the emotional and practical user experience of a product or prototype. Think aloud requires the user to not only say his or her thoughts out loud, but also to explain and justify them. For example, in a think aloud usability test for a website, a user might click on a link and might justify this action by explaining that they are interested in the product that the button is said to link to. Think aloud differs from talk aloud, which only requires a statement of intention, such as, “I will click here”. We are going to interview a person using think aloud prototyping. In this task we are going to give chance to a person who are not familiar with this site and tell him/her to do some tasks using that site.While he/she doing it, we are going to video what are he/her doing and him/her facial expressions. Here are some questions we are going to ask from that per...